• Books

    Going Back to That One Moment in Time

    I have been on a roll lately when it comes to reading. I’m not too sure why, but it never hurts to be literate I suppose. After just finishing the book I’ve only been reading for a few days, I decided it’s high time to run here and publish my…

  • Personal

    Journal Series: Happy New Year

    It’s officially January 1st, 2024; Happy New Year! The New Year is something we celebrate, however we choose to do so and with whomever. Many people set resolutions to help them chart out the year ahead, and others reflect on what they accomplished in the year prior. Words that come…

  • Gaming

    Firey FFXVI

    HO…LY… SHIT. That’s the first thing I have to say. I just finished Final Fantasy XVI and I’m all over the place with my thoughts, emotions, and just complete disbelief. Disbelief at what an experience I had with this one. Before I traverse my feelings about this game with you…

  • Netflix

    The End of NHIE

    I think the one thing I’ve consistently blogged about over the years is Netflix’s Never Have I Ever. I’m not sure why that is, given that it certainly is not the best TV show I’ve seen by far, but perhaps I’m still a bigger fan of Mindy Kaling than I…

  • Netflix

    NHIE Revisited

    It’s been about 2 years since I wrote my initial post about Netflix’s premiere of Mindy Kaling’s show Never Have I Ever. For those that don’t recall, NHIE stars Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as the main character Devi, a teenager with endless drama who tries her best to fit in despite family…

  • Advice,  Personal

    Kind Reminders

    In this day and age of what seems to be endless bad news, bad luck, bad energy, and just bad vibes, it’s hard to stay above water and navigate the seas to find positivity. I’m not just speaking of the personal things I’ve gone through, but collectively what we are…

  • Personal

    Journal Series: Meditation

    I just meditated. I decided to do it before bed in order to relax. The truth is that I made a promise to myself to meditate once daily, and I lasted maybe two consecutive days before falling off. Anyway, I got back on the horse just now. I had just…

  • Advice,  Personal

    I Think You Should Take a Break

    I’m back, after quite some time, with more new thoughts to tickle your brain. You know me, I’m always trying to help by sharing my experiences and life lessons, positive and negative alike. If I’m being honest, a lot of it has felt negative for the last little while thanks…

  • Anime,  Netflix

    Sailor Moon Eternal: 29 Years Later!

    It’s been well over one month since Sailor Moon Eternal made its worldwide debut via Netflix, so now that you’ve all had enough time to watch both parts, I have come to share my thoughts and opinions! This is going to get very spoilerific, so turn back now and leave…

  • Bollywood,  Music

    Remembering Shravan

    It took me a hot minute to put this together (considering it should have been posted back in April), but I couldn’t let this go unpublished. Looking back, I can’t believe I haven’t truly made any Bollywood-related posts yet given how much I love my Hindi films and music, but…